The aim of this project was to enable the Serbian criminal justice professionals to ensure a uniform competence on child victims and witnesses, respond to their specific needs within the criminal justice system and provide them with full protection within the legal system. The Project was implemented through 10 training seminars throughout Serbia for more than 400 judges and prosecutors with goal to fully trained them in the following fields – best international practices with a specific highlight on procedural issues that are providing protection of the interests of the child, best court practices in the field of victims compensation and transfer of practical knowledge and introduction to psychology and other necessary skills that are of upmost importance for the communication with victims in criminal matters.
Ivana Stevanović – Director of the Child Rights Centre in Belgrade
Milan Škulić – Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
Nikola Milošević – Judge
The Project was implemented during the 2011,
in the City of Novi Sad, Subotica, Beograd, Novi Pazar, Nis, Uzice, Vranje i Kragujevac, in partnership with the Judicial Academy and financial support of the Netherlands Embassy in Belgrade.